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Dr. Chen Bo gave a speech on carbon finance seminar in Shenzhen

October 16, 2014

On 15th October 2014, Dr. Chen Bo, the assistant director of RCCEF, the director of carbon finance lab was invited to attend the carbon finance seminar in Shenzhen. The seminar was held by Shenzhen Emissions Exchange and supported by Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission, British Consulate General in Guangzhou and British Consulate General in Hong Kong. The seminar aims to discuss how to maintain the leadership and the financial advantages of the carbon market in Shenzhen, enhance the financial attributes of carbon market and achieve the asset price discovery and reduce market risk with the power of finance market. Ms. Fiona Woolf, the mayor of United Kingdom City of London, and Cao Yang, the vice director of Carbon Trading Office of Development and Reform Commission in Shenzhen, made speeches in the seminar. Nearly 70 representatives from the regulation departments in Shenzhen and finance industries took part in this seminar.

Dr. Chen Bo, who represented the RCCEF, gave a speech of Research on the Development of Regional Carbon Finance under National Carbon Market. Dr. Chen Bo summarized the operation experiences of the seven pilot carbon market in China, introduced the research results and research strength of CUFE in this area, analyzed and forecast the development of national carbon market. He suggested that China should develop regional carbon finance market with carbon fund acting as the core. The research results of RCCEF achieved a strong reaction among the participants.


After the meeting, Dr. Chen Bo had a discussion with seniors of Shenzhen Emissions Exchange, British Consulate General in Guangzhou, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Bank of China, Bank of Hangzhou, Beyond Company and Green Carbon Company. The discussion focused on the feasibility and the methods of the establishment of carbon fund system. There is a preliminary cooperation intention with some institutions in building Carbon Finance Lab together. By building Carbon Finance Lab, it is expect to promote the standards and tools in carbon finance and to construct the research platform. Carbon Finance Lab is an innovative and experimental platform in RCCEF. The Carbon Finance Lab is to explore industry standards and methodologies of carbon accounting and carbon finance together with China National Institute of Standardization, National Development and Reform Commission International Cooperation Center, Timing Carbon, and to explore carbon bonds, carbon asset securitization and other innovative financial products with IFC, Beyoud Company and other institutions.



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